Outside Kallan utser årets stamkund enligt följande kriterier:
Kundens värderingar speglar våra värderingar och kunden har upprepade gånger anlitat oss eller tagit del av våra ordnade aktiviteter.
Med sin passion till naturen, sina personliga utvecklingar (på många plan) och med sin samarbetsförmåga är det en ära för oss att ha människor som Marco som stamkund.
Låt oss presentera! Marco B!
-What brought you to Finland?
I arrived for work, but Finland was not accidental. I was deeply interested and fascinated by the cold, the frost and the snow cover that had lasted for months. The fact of having also the sea, the archipelago, the paths in the woods all around nearby, was an incredible luck.
- Describe your connection to nature.
Among all, it’s my source of inspiration: my best ideas, projects and plans were conceived either out in the wilderness or when just back after that. The mind is sharper, life gets the equilibrium needed for the long journey.
- What is your best memory together with Outside Kallan?
Oh, just picking one seems so hard. When I look back I can see vivid images of moments, practicing guiding a small kayak group on a sunny day in the archipelago near Aligrundet, Cooking dinner on the fireplace in Örarna, building a makeshift shelter near Långsjö that would keep us comfortable and protect us from the rain.
Paddling, I remember with the same pleasure a break on a tiny island, its sand, the sun on us, as well as the passages with the slightly rough sea, among the rocks, trying to put into practice the techniques just acquired.
I learned a lot and opened my mind too. Even that breaking in half spaghetti is legal and actually reasonable, if you are out in the wilderness, with a little saucepan and a camping stove. That is something remarkable to say for an Italian!
- What do you wish from the new year 2022?
Personally, I wish to be every day a slightly better version of myself, compared to yesterday, in every aspect of life.
Looking at the world, we have a lot of challenges ahead, for something we have plans already, something we need to understand and figure out. My wish is that we learn, discuss, and take wise decisions for us all.